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Currently at the Centre

Anastasia Kopylova


Medieval metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language

Anastasia Kopylova

René Brouwer

Fellow, University of Utrecht

Mathias Böhm


Philosophy of language, (formal) Epistemology, Decision Theory


Mike Deigan


Epistemology, philosophy of language, ethics

Mike Deigan

Stephanie Elsen


Philosophy of disability, moral philosophy, social philosophy

Stephanie Elsen

Manhal Hamdo


Epistemology of Intuition, Thought Experiments, Imagination, and Argumentation


David Heering

DFG Fellow

Philosophy of action (in particular: action explanation), metaphysics of agency, metanormativity (formerly known as metaethics), philosophy of explanation

David Heering

Amelia Kahn


Epistemology, Value Theory, Philosophy of Language, Applied Ontology


Luca Malatesti

Fellow, University of Rijeka

philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychiatry, neuroethics


Martin Pickavé

Fellow, University of Toronto

Medieval Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Action


Henry Schiller

Fellow, University of Sheffield

Philosophy of language, Philosophy of mind


Julia Staffel

Fellow, University of Colorado

epistemology, formal epistemology, philosophy of mind


Brian Talbot

Fellow, University of Colorado

epistemology and ethics



Annina J. Loets

Associated Researcher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Social Philosophy

+49 30 2093 70487


Jonathan Beere

Associated Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Ancient philosophy

Jonathan Beere

Sebastian Bender

Associated Researcher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Early modern philosophy

Sebastian Bender

Samuel Boardman

Associated Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin

Epistemology of modality

Samuel Boardman

Dina Emundts

Associated Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin

Classical German philosophy

Dina Emundts

M. Folescu

Associated Researcher, University of Missouri

History of modern philosophy; philosophy of perception; philosophy of memory; aesthetics

M. Folescu

Fabian Hundertmark

Associated Researcher, Universität Bielefeld

Philosophy of mind, metaphysics, philosophy of psychiatry

Fabian Hundertmark

Tatjana Hörnle

Associated Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht

Criminal law

Tatjana Hörnle

Romy Jaster

Associated Researcher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Romy Jaster

Tamara Jugov

Associated Fellow, Technische Universität Dresden

Political philosophy, theories of justice, theories of power and non-domination, social construction of human abilities

Tamara Jugov

Geert Keil

Associated Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Epistemology and philosophy of action

Geert Keil

Ursula Kessels

Associated Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin

Psychology, Educational Science focusing on the role of stereotypes in education, self-concept, gender and STEM


Beate Krickel

Associated Fellow, Technische Universität Berlin

Cognitive science, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science


Manfred Krifka

Associated Fellow, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)

Semantics and pragmatics

Manfred Krifka

Bernd Ladwig

Associated Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin

Political theory and philosophy

Bernd Ladwig

Hilge Landweer

Associated Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin

Phenomenology, practical philosophy and interdisciplinary gender studies

Hilge Landweer

Katja Liebal

Associated Fellow, Universität Leipzig

Comparative developmental psychology

Katja Liebal

Ulman Lindenberger

Associated Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung

Cognitive and developmental psychology

Ulman Lindenberger

Jennifer S. Marušić

Associated Researcher, University of Edinburgh

Early modern philosophy

Jennifer S. Marušić

Kirsten Meyer

Associated Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Ethics and philosophy of education

Kirsten Meyer

Tobias Rosefeldt

Associated Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Classical German philosophy and metaphysics

Tobias Rosefeldt

Jan Slaby

Associated Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin

Philosophy of mind and social philosophy

Jan Slaby

Lisa Vogt

Associated Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin


Lisa Vogt

Julia Zakkou

Associated Researcher, Universität Bielefeld

Philosophy of language (especially semantics-pragmatics interface), epistemology (especially belief and knowledge ascriptions)

Julia Zakkou

Former Fellows

Han Thomas Adriaenssen

Fellow, University of Groningen

Late medieval and early modern philosophy of mind and metaphysics

Han Thomas Adriaenssen

Simona Aimar

Alexander von Humboldt-Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin/University College London

Ancient philosophy, metaphysics, semantics

Simona Aimar

Maike Albertzart

Fellow, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

Moral philosophy (in particular collective responsibility and Kantian Ethics); Action theory (in particular collective intentionality and group agency); Metaethics (in particular moral particularism and moral indeterminacy)

Maike Albertzart

Maria Alvarez

Fellow, King’s College London

Philosophy of action; Metaphysics of Agency; Responsibility; Reasons and Normativity; Choice; Moral responsibility; Blame

Maria Alvarez

Jean-Pascal Anfray

Fellow, Ecole Normale Supérieure, PSL University

Late scholastic and early modern metaphysics

Jean-Pascal Anfray

Dávid Bartha

Alexander von Humboldt-Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Early modern philosophy

David Bartha

David Boylan

Fellow, Texas Tech University

Philosophy of language, Philosophical logic, Epistemology

David Boylan

Gwen Bradford

Fellow, Rice University/ University of Toronto

Value theory, ethics, metaethics


Jeffrey Brower

Fellow, Purdue University

Medieval philosophy

Jeffrey Brower

Vanessa Carr


Philosophy of mind and action, metaphysics

Vanessa Carr

Juan Comesaña


epistemology, decision theory

Juan Comesana

Patrick Connolly

Alexander von Humboldt-Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/Lehigh University

Early modern philosophy, history and philosophy of science

Patrick Connolly

Natalja Deng

Fellow, Yonsei University

Metaphysics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of physics

Natalja Deng

Toby Friend

Mary Curie Fellow

Causation, Laws of nature, Powers and Dispositions

Toby Friend

Elise Frketich


Meta-philosophy and metaphysics in Kantian and post Kantian philosophy

Elise Frketich

Kim Frost

Fellow, University of California Riverside

Philosophy of mind; philosophy of agency

Kim Frost

Luca Gasparri

Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin

Philosophy of language, semantics, metaphysics

Luca Gasparri

Mariel Goddu


Action, Philosophy of Psychology, Epistemology, Philosophy of Biology, Metaphysics

Mariel Goddu

Alex Gregory

Fellow, University of Southampton

Metaethics, moral psychology, ethics, wellbeing

Alex Gregory

Daniel Heider

Fellow, University of South Bohemia (Budweis)

Early Modern Scholastic Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind

Daniel Heider

Tobias Hoffmann

Fellow, Catholic University of America

Medieval philosophy, especially ethics and action theory, 13th and 14th Century

Tobias Hoffmann

Lucian Ionel


Philosophy of mind, Post-Kantian philosophy

Lucian Ionel

Julia Jorati

Fellow, University of Massachusetts

Early modern philosophy, history of slavery, early modern ethics

Julia Jorati

Alex Kaiserman

Fellow, University of Oxford

Metaphysics, Ethics, Legal Philosophy

Alexander Kaiserman

Benjamin Kiesewetter


Moral philosophy, metaethics, reasons and rationality

Benjamin Kiesewetter

Sophie Kikkert


Social Philosophy, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language

Sophie Kikkert

Daniel Kranzelbinder

University of Chicago

Ancient philosophy, epistemology, history of science, metaphysics

Daniel Kranzelbinder

Angelika Kratzer

Fellow, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Formal Semantics of Natural Languages, Philosophy of Language

Angelika Kratzer

Martin Lin

Fellow, Rutgers University

Early Modern Philosophy

Martin Lin

David Löwenstein

Fellow, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Logic and argumentation, philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of action, metaphysics, didactics of philosophy

David Löwenstein

Matthew Mandelkern

Fellow, New York University

Philosophy of language, semantics, pragmatics

Matthew Mandelkern

Victoria McGeer

Fellow, Princeton University/ANU

Philosophy of mind, social cognition, mindshaping, developmental psychology, moral psychology, responsible agency

Victoria McGeer

Kristina Musholt

Fellow, Universität Leipzig

Philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, developmental psychology, self-consciousness, social cognition

Kristina Musholt

Robert Pasnau

Fellow, University of Colorado

Medieval philosophy, early modern philosophy, epistemology

Robert Pasnau

Carlotta Pavese

Fellow, Cornell University

Epistemology, philosophy of mind, action theory, philosophy of action, philosophical logic

Carlotta Pavese

Philip Pettit

Fellow, Princeton University/ANU

Freedom, Respect, Conversability

Philip Pettit

Jonathan S. Phillips

Fellow, Dartmouth College

Cognitive Science; Modal Cognition; Moral Psychology; Theory of mind

Jonathan Phillips

Ursula Renz

Fellow, Universität Graz

History of philosophy (Early Modern Philosophy, Kant, German Neo-Kantianism, History of Analytic Philosophy), Epistemology (Self-Knowledge), Philosophy of Mind (Emotions)

Ursula Renz

Catherine Robb

Fellow, Tilburg University

Talent, skill, ethics, self-development

Catherine Robb

Carolina Sartorio


metaphysics, action theory, ethics

Carolina Sartorio

Janis Schaab


Ethical theory, Kant

Janis Schaab

Susanna Schellenberg

Fellow, Rutgers University

philosophy of mind, epistemology, AI, neuroscience

Susanna Schellenberg

Tom Schoonen


epistemology and metaphysics of modality; epistemology of abilities; causation

Tom Schoonen

Markus Schrenk

Fellow, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Art

Markus Schrenk

Ginger Schultheis

Fellow, University of Chicago

Philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of action

Ginger Schultheis

Wolfgang Schwarz

Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Philosophy of language and formal epistemology

Wolfgang Schwarz

Andrew Stephenson

Fellow, University of Southampton

Kant, mind, metaphysics, epistemology, logic, AI

Andrew Stephenson

Helen Steward

Fellow, University of Leeds

Philosophy of Action; Philosophy of Mind; Metaphysics and Ontology of Agency and Causation; Free Will

Helen Steward

Anik Waldow

Fellow, University of Sidney

Early Modern Philosophy

Anik Waldow

Gabriel Watts


Early modern theories of the passions (esp. Hume)

Gabriel Watts

Catherine Wilson

Fellow, City University of New York

Early modern philosophy, history and philosophy of science, ethics and human evolution, metaethics

Catherine Wilson
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation