Myriam Stihl

Doctoral Researcher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Kant's Theoretical Philosophy, Metaphysics, Mereology
Before joining the Centre as a doctoral researcher, I studied Philosophy and Mathematics as an undergraduate and received my M.A. in Philosophy from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2024) with a thesis on Kant's view on persistence. My research at the Centre for Human Abilities focuses on Kant's critical account of time in light of his claim that objective temporality is constituted by our cognitive capacities. In particular, I will explore metaphysical and epistemological questions concerning the temporal mereology of phenomenal entities — with the aim of providing an account of Kant's principles of temporal composition and decomposition and a unified picture of his views on temporal part-whole priority. Correspondingly, my investigation will draw on the mathematical antinomies, the analogies of experience, and Kant's theory of motion.