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Official launch of the "Human Abilities - Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities" research project

News from Apr 01, 2020

After months of preparation, we are happy to announce that the "Human Abilities - Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities" research project officially launches today, 1 April 2020. Our offices are located at Charlottenstr. 81, 10969 Berlin in the centre of the city. However, due to the ongoing Coronavirus safety measures, we will start our work remotely and will not be able to receive guests. This also means that all jour fixe meetings and colloquiums will be held remotely via Zoom until further notice.

This website will be filled with more information about the research project over the next weeks and months. For further enquiries about the project, please contact Sanja or Marcel.

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation