Berlin Hamburg Workshop „Powers, Dispositions, and Abilities“
12-13 May 2022 (Thu/Fri), 10:30 AM (09:30 AM) - 6.30 PM CET.
Organiser: Sebastian Bender (HU Berlin), Stephan Schmid (Universität Hamburg) and Dominik Perler (HU Berlin)
Speakers: Stephen Daniel, M. Folescu, Elise Frketich, Noam Hoffer, Chris Lindsay, Jennifer Marušić, Anna Ortín Nadal, Saja Parvizian and Markus Schrenk
The Workshop will take place in person at the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities "Human Abilities". To register, please write an email to For questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Bender (
You can download the full program here (pdf).