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Berlin & London Joint Graduate Workshop “Power, Ability, Agency”, POSTPONED

May 22, 2020 - May 23, 2020

22-23 May 2020 in Berlin

at the KFG Human Abilities, Charlottenstr. 81


Who can apply? Graduate students (MA and PhD students) at HU Berlin, FU Berlin, and King’s College London, from all areas of philosophy.

How does it work? 2-3 participants from each university are selected to present a paper at the workshop. Each paper will be commented on by a faculty member from one of the participating universities.

How to apply? Send in an abstract of max. 1000 words by 31st January 2020

Note: Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, and should therefore not contain any identifying information.

Send abstracts totzvetomila.pauly@hu-berlin.de (for HU students) or ilona.anders@fu-berlin.de (for FU students)quoting the subject „Berlin/London Workshop 2020“. 

Any questions?  

Contact (at HU): michael.beaney@hu-berlin.debenderse@hu-berlin.de  or (at FU): barbara.vetter@fu-berlin.de, julia.zakkou@fu-berlin.de 

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation